Friday, November 11, 2011

Always Be True To Yourself

Always be yourself.
Never try to hide who you are.
The only shame is to have shame.
Always stand up for what you believe in.
Always question what other people tell you.
Never regret the past. It's a waste of time.
There's a reason for everything.
Every mistake, every moment of weakness,
every terrible thing that has happened to you.
Grow from it. The only way you can get
the respect of others is when you show
them that you respect yourself. And most
importantly do your thing and never apologize
for being you!


  1. Hi Aurora Angels,
    Thanks a lot for dropping in
    I just joined in
    very beautiful blog with nice
    but one thing i noticed is some
    contents are not readable because
    of it too much brightness of its background
    so when you post new blogs pl. keep this in mind
    give a different color to the text so that it will be more visible
    thanks for sharing these wonderful thoughts
    best Philip

  2. Hi P V Ariel,

    Thank you for your kind comments. I have adjusted the blog so that the posts are now easier to read. Thank you for visiting The Aurora Angels.

    God Bless You,

